Sunday, December 25, 2016

Public Release 2.0


Time is come to set new Release tag to master branch. 20 months passed since the first major public release. List of improvements made since that time is huge. Thus this new release gets new major version. Some statistics: since previous public release
* 690 commits to master
* closed over 450 various issues

Fixes in combiner, blender, texture loading, frame buffer emulation eliminated graphics issues, which plagued N64 emulation since the beginning and until recently required use of software rendering for correct emulation. Of course, hundreds of GLideN64 own bugs was squashed on the way. Detailed information about new features of this release can be found in my New Public Release articles.

Public release 1.0 took 8 month of my hard full-time work. It became possible as result of successful crowd-funding campaign on Indiegogo.

Now I 'm working on the project as on my hobby, in my spare time. New major release took 20 months. It could take much more, but now I am not working alone. The project currently has 28 contributors.
My special thanks to:
  • purplemarshmallow: frame buffer emulation improvments, general fixes
  • Francisco Zurita aka fzurita: support of Android port, GLES fixes, general fixes
  • Logan McNaughton aka loganmc10: support of Raspberry Pi port, general fixes
  • Ryan Rosser aka Aquatakat: GUI design
  • matthewharvey: code cleanup and optimization
  • Gilles Siberlin aka Gillou68310: ucode decoding, general fixes
  • AmbientMalice: ini cleanup
Very special thanks to Sergey Povalihin aka angrylion for explanations of various aspects of RDP work. His advices helped me to fix many tricky issues.

Also, my thanks to all users of Your bug reports and feedback greatly help us to improve quality of the program.

Speaking of quality: we still have over 200 open issues. Not all of them are bug reports. Feature requests and suggestions are in that list too. Nevertheless, list of known issues is still large. There are games, which are not supported at all. The work will continue.

Internalization: at this moment only two translations are up to date:

  • Spanish, thanks to Víctor "IlDucci"
  • French, thanks to baptiste0602

Other translation files built from translations for previous release, so lots of text left untranslated.


Of course, donations are welcome.

However, there is a problem.
I'm living in Russia and has Russian PayPal account. This account is very limited. I can pay with it, but I can not get money transfers or donations. I did not find another convenient and legal way for donations in foreign currency.

Update: Russian user told me that PayPal is actually a valid option for international donations. Test money transfer proved that it works. I created page for convenient transfer:

Also, I have Yandex Money account for transfers in Rubles, see the form on the top.


  1. Thanks for your hardwork ! Merry christmas :).

  2. What a surprise all these recent November and December 2016 blog posts have been, I only just checked into them now! Merry Christmas to you and all the contributors on your github page!

  3. Have you looked into bitcoin for donations?

  4. Hey there! I just fount out about your plugon yesterday, when I was evaluating the state of the N64 emulation to see if I would be ok selling mine. I was surprised by the work of the guys who designed parallel but I don't like RetroArch, so it was a no go for me. Then I found GlideN64. I thought it would be just as a failure (precision-wise) as most other hardware-based plugins are but damn, I was wrong.

    Thank you so much! Your work is filling the one major gap in N64 emulation. And the ability to render in N64's internal resolution is just awesome!

    I own an N64 and an Everdrive 64 solely because the N64 emulation sucked donkey balls. Howerver, I couldn't find even a single thing wrong with your plugin. It even renders the same ad angrylion's when using the native resolution (minus the dithering, which is welcome actually). Thanks to your work, I may very well sell them. And then, I may very well give you half of the money, because you're awesome and you deserve it.

    Seriously, I'm a developer and even though I know you've done it as a hobby, I can't help but feel you deserve some for being the guy who stood up to the task no one would.

    1. Thanks, Shark. I'd advice you to keep your N64 for a while. There are games, which GLideN64 still can't emulate well enough, e.g. WDC.

    2. I know that, but I don't really play it. It's more a dream than anything else. Real Life(tm) gets in the way. I realise it won't play everything OOTB anytime soon, but I was already thinking about selling it anyway... I'm aware of the consequences. :)

  5. i'm crying..! Thank you! All the best!

  6. I tested Mario Golf and it doesn't crash randomly anymore, the black bars can be removed thank you so much. There's black lines when I use xbrz though.
